If you blog on a regular basis then you know that a posting schedule is actually pretty essential. So I finally decided to get my act together(for the remainder of the year at least) and whipped up this super easy and quick blog planner! Plus I got to use my stamps so that was fun!
So here’s what you need to make your own blog planner:
- rubber bands
- letter stamps
- ink pads in pretty colors
- a notebook
- pens, sharpies or colored markers
I got my stamp sets from Walmart back when I was in the US in the dollar section and remember that they were pretty easy to find in most craft stores too. If you find number stamps you could use those too for the dates for a cleaner look.
Ok, ready? Here we go:
- Prepare your stamps. If you have two or three sets of letters then get your days together. I did Mon, Tue, Wed etc just because my letters weren’t enough to spell out the whole days. I also did a NOTES stamp, Nov and Dec.
- Bind your stamps together with rubber bands to make stamping easier.
- Line up your ink pads and stamps and start stamping! Do the month at the top of the left page then each day with 5(more or less whatever works best for you) lines in between. Don’t forget to add your NOTES stamp after Sunday!
- Fill in the dates and yep, that is it! (You could also decorate even more with markers or doodles or whatever you like!)
After using the planner for a couple days I’m really liking it but I think I’ll sit and think of something better and more spacious for next year. But for now it’s more than great for the job!
Do you have a method when it comes to blog planning? Let me know in a comment below!
See you soon!
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