Hello friends! Since I’m visiting family this week I planned to share a tutorial I had already prepared earlier last week. But then my mom told me she planned to dye the Easter eggs with onion peelings so how could I pass the chance to share it with all of you?! I couldn’t of course…
[text-with-icon icon_type=”font_icon” icon=”icon-paper-clip” color=”Accent-Color”]For this project you will need:
- 10 eggs
- about 5 cups of onion peelings, loosely packed
- water
- old pantyhose or stockings
- assorted leaves or petals
- 1/4 cup vinegar
- string
1. Clean the eggs with some water and a paper towel.

3. Add the vinegar to the peelings.

2. Add the onion peelings to a small/medium saucepan.

4. Take a couple leaves and lay them on one egg. Then take a piece of pantyhose and tightly wrap around the egg, securing with a piece of string. Repeat for the rest of the eggs.

5. Add the eggs to the pan and cover with the rest of the peelings. Add enough water to cover. Slowly bring to the boil on low/medium heat and boil for 30-60 minutes. Let the eggs sit in the peelings for a minimum of 3 hours or until you get the color you like. We let them sit for about 4 hours and they came out quite dark.

6. When you’re happy with the color, remove the eggs from the pan and the pantyhose. If you want you can make them shinny by rubbing some olive or any other oil over them with a paper towel or cotton pad. Don’t rub to hard or the color will come off!!

I love how they came out speckled and looking so organic! hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial! Have a great Easter!
See you soon!

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