Since this is the first year that my DJing site is no longer online,well technically it still is just not as it used to be and I’ve stopped updating it. Anyway, I always used to do a top of [insert year] chart or playlist or mixtape and I really want to keep sharing music posts here with you guys so here is my top of 2015 playlist! I’ve included both YouTube videos as the music videos are also amazing and a Spotify playlist for you to enjoy! What were your favorite songs or albums in 2015? I’d love to know so leave me a comment!

| Top of 2013 mixtape part 1 | Top of 2013 mixtape part 2 |
| Top of 2012 mixtape part 1 | Top of 2012 mixtape part 2 |
| Top of 2011 mixtape part 1 | Top of 2011 mixtape part 2 |
See you soon!
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