Think outside the (storage) box.
Keep an eye out for anything you can use to store supplies. I like to repurpose cookie tins as they look cute and are super efficient.
Group like items together.
Keep all similar items together so when you need to find something, everything is easily accesible.
Repurpose, reuse, recycle.
Anything can be used to store supplies. Bags and baskets, lunch boxes and small tin boxes(below) make great storage options.
Think cheap.
You don’t have to spend a lot of money to get things organized. Here, I used clothes pins to organize my knit cords.
Jars, jars and more jars.
Not only are jars pretty to look at, they’re cheap and easily available. They’re also perfect for storing small items like beads and buttons, among other things.
Use my chalboard jars tutorial to customize any storage container like boxes, tins or jars.
Here’s a great tip for labeling, use a dry erase marker to label plastic boxes. When you change the contents just wipe with a damp cloth and label again!
Zip-lock bags are your friend.
Next time you’re at the grocery store grab a box of zip lock bags. They’re great for storing soft supplies like embroidery floss or yarn.
Use what you have.
I’d love to have a fancy label maker but alas I don’t. So what do I do when I need to label my craft storage? That’s right, I use what I have. In this case some painter’s tape and a sharpie make a removable and cheap label.
What tips and tricks do you have for organizing craft supplies?
If you want to see how I made my craft storage closet IKEA hack click here.
See you soon!
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