Remember the stained shirt I rescued by applying an applique on the bleach stain? Well…after keeping it in my closet for a few months I decided I wasn’t really feeling the restyle at all. So I ripped the applique off and started over.
I chose some embroidery thread that matched the shirt and free hand embroidered on the bleach stain. Nothing fancy, just a simple running stitch.
So the instructions are simple:
1. Choose an embroidery thread color, you could do similar, contrasting or complementary.
2. Put an embroidery hoop around the stain and get to embroidering!
3. You could use a pattern or just freehand embroider random shapes. Go crazy.
4. That’s it. Done. Go rock your saved garment!

The shirt was also missing some buttons so I changed those too. I really love how it turned out! You can barely see the embroidery patch and the new buttons look really cute.
What do you think? Which version do you prefer?
See you soon!
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