So if you sew you probably enter a fabric store and feel like a kid in a candy shop.

You just want it all!

This off course means that you end up acummulating a large stash of fabrics and if you’re not organised you just forget what you have and that means when it comes time to start a new sewing project you either waste time looking through your fabrics in order to find out if you have what you need or (this is me, I admit) just go out and buy some more fabric which you might already have in your stash.

So? what’s a girl to do?

Here’s a quick tip that will be of imense help to you!

First, gather your fabrics and  two pairs of scissors, pinking and regular, or whatever you have it doesn’t really matter.

Organise your fabrics by color and while doing this snip off a corner or small piece from each fabric.

Organise your fabric pieces in two piles: Less than a yard/meter or More than a yard/meter.

After you’ve stored your fabrics neatly, take your clippings and two safety pins,

now pin each pile with a safety pin and add a tag to each or just the one so you know which is which.

That’s it! You’re done and organised!

In the next quick tip we’ll talk about how you can organise and store your stash.


Queen Lila
