So if you watched my video on how to prep your eyes for makeup then you know how to do that, if not, go watch it by clicking here. Now, a lot of people have a fear of eyeliner. I like to think that with the right tools, the right technique and a lot of practice and patience, everybody can do eyeliner. And it’s also one look that looks good on everybody and it doesn’t have to be black eyeliner. It could be any color you want! Black, brown, dark blue, light blue or turquoise, it can even be pink! Check out my Pretty in Pink video (which is actually my first makeup tutorial) where I do pink eyeliner, which I think looks great on everyone and especially dark skin.
So there’s a couple things to remember when were doing eyeliner. What kind of eyeliner wing are we doing? Are we going to use a liquid, gel, pencil or an eye shadow with a mixing medium? I think the best thing for someone to start with is either a gel or a liquid eyeliner. With the gel you’re going to need a brush whereas with liquid eyeliner the brush is provided for you and and especially using a pen liquid eyeliner then that’s even easier, I find. You just have to practice and see what works for you, your eye shape, your level of technique and what look you want to achieve.
So today we’re going to be talking about two basic lines that you can do. Two basic lines to get you started if you want to learn how to do your eyeliner. I’m going to use a gel eyeliner and a very thin brush which is actually meant for nail art and is perfect for getting a really thin line. So what I’m going to do for my first basic line is I’m basically going to take my eyeliner and I’m going to softly draw looking down. This is very important, take a mirror and look down into the mirror. Basically what you’re doing is sketching out the base of your lashes and when you’re going towards the inner corner of the eye you’re going to have to work a little bit lighter. So you start at the end when you have more product on your brush and you work your way in so by the time you get to the inner corner of the eye you have just a little bit of product on your brush so you can do a really really fine line.
For my second line I’m going to turn this thin line into a cat eye. I’ll grab an angled brush, dip it into the gel liner and tap it into the corner of the eye. The angle you should do to suit your eye shape is to imagine if you want to extend the lower lash line to meet your brow. You can do a different angle but this is the one that will definitely suit your eye shape. Then what you do again looking down, is you connect the line with the rest of it so you’re creating a triangle. Don’t freak out if you’re not perfect, you can always make the line and the flick fatter and even things out.
And that’s how you can start practicing your eyeliner! Let me know if you have questions and don’t forget to subscribe and follow me for more makeup tips!
See you soon!
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