“Even if I don’t want to slow down, I’m slowing down.”
Eli Wallach

The other day, while doing her hair, I was having a conversation about blogging with my friend Margarita from WearThisToday and she was telling me how she wants to push herself to start writing more, even if nobody cares. That made me think about my blogging in general, not just here but also on my other site DJGirl and what I was doing in terms of scheduling, posting and all that.
You see, the truth is I’ve been feeling a little burned out lately when it comes to blogging. Back in 2013 I decided I would really push myself and this blog by posting regularly and creating regular content for my readers but also for myself as I had fallen in a crafting and creating slump back then. So now, 2 years later, the blog has risen from the ashes so to speak and things are going great but it’s become a chore to come up with a monthly schedule. It feels like work and not the kind of work I enjoy doing. And I think it’s starting to show in the quality of posts I’m putting out there.
So one evening I was going through my feed reader, scrolling through endless blog posts infinitely better than mine and pondering my blogging “career” and what the hell I was going to do about all this when I came across a post by one of the bloggers I follow (forgive me, as I don’t really remember who it was) who said they’ve started practicing slow blogging. And there goes the proverbial light bulb in my head!
That’s it! Slow blogging! I did some research and found out it’s nothing more than what blogging used to be for me and I’m pretty sure all of us when we started blogging.
Only blog when you have something valuable or worthy to say. Off course you’re the judge of what that is, basically don’t blog with traffic, readers, advertisers or anything else apart from what you want in mind.
Don’t get me wrong I don’t plan on letting all this hard work go to waste. I just plan on giving myself permission to miss a post here and there and to only post ideas, tutorials or inspiration that truly make me proud of this little corner of the internet.
Hope you stay with me for the ride. It’s going to be exciting, creative and inspiring. Just like it should be.
See you soon!